What is the Best Way to Dispose of Old Furniture?

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Downsizing to a smaller property? Using your move as an opportunity for a fresh start with new furniture? You’re not alone if you find yourself with excess or old furniture to dispose of before your move. The pressing question is what’s the best way to get rid of furniture? As a moving company it’s one of our most popular services that we offer, however if it’s something you’d prefer to take care of yourself we’ll run through the various options and give you the best advice.
Netflix sensation Marie Kondo is all for decluttering your life – and there’s no better time to do it than when you move. That’s true when you’re downsizing to a smaller property and have to get rid of the furniture that won’t fit. Marie Kondo advocates disposing of everything that doesn’t bring you joy. Taking that approach might leave you with no furniture at all, however. I can’t remember ever thinking my coffee table brings me joy – but it is a useful piece of furniture.
Choosing the furniture to get rid of needs to be a practical decision based on your family needs and the size of your new home.
Don’t chuck something out if you will regret the decision later!
Disposal Options
When you’ve decided which furniture you’re keeping and which you’re disposing of, it’s time to look at the how. Getting rid of furniture can be costly depending on the way you dispose of it. Let’s look at your options.
1. Take It To The Tip
This is the most obvious option – but it can be more costly than you might think. Large items aren’t free to dispose of – and how much it costs depends on the size of the item and/or the size of the vehicle you use to get rid.
Facilities operated by the local council offer a way of getting rid of excess furniture – and these vary from place to place. To get the most up-to-date prices and information, check with your local authority.
To help you estimate the costs of local authority disposal services, here are examples:
(a) Dublin City Council offers a Bulky Household Waste Collection Service.
This has an initial cost of €40 per collection for up to 5 items. (A three-piece furniture suite classes as 5 items, however.)
If you wanted 6 items collecting, you’d pay €80 – which is the same as what you’d pay for 10 items.
(b) If you want to take your furniture to a recycling centre in Dublin, you’ll also face charges:
- A regular size car-load costs €15
- An estate car/Jeep/SUV costs €20
- A car with a single axle trailer costs €40
- A van or vehicle with double axle trailer costs €70
(c) In Cork, they base prices at the recycling centres on item types:
- Entry charge €3
- 3 seater sofa €20
- Double sofa €15
- Double mattress €20
2. Advertise Your Furniture For Sale
When you’re downsizing and need to get rid of furniture, a good option is to sell it. There’s a range of ‘selling sites’ that you could list your furniture on. People are always looking for good deals on furniture, so it’s worth at least trying to sell your furniture on. If it doesn’t sell, you can always use another method to get rid of it.
3. Give Your Furniture to a Charity Shop
If there’s plenty of life left in the furniture you want rid of (and you don’t want to sell it), a cheaper option to paying council disposal charges is to donate it. Charity shops are grateful for furniture in good condition. Some will even collect your furniture for you if you’re not able to get it to the shop yourself.
People on limited budgets often rely on second-hand furniture from charity shops to furnish their homes. The furniture you were thinking of dumping could help someone in need for several years to come!
4. Upcycle To Make It Worth More
To give your unwanted furniture added value and make it more attractive to potential buyers, you could always upcycle it. A simple coat of chalk paint can add extra value to a chest of drawers or bedside cabinet, for example. It might surprise you what people will pay for a piece of furniture that’s upcycled to a ‘shabby chic’ look.
It’s not a good idea to leave furniture disposal to the last minute. If you can, plan ahead, so that getting rid of unwanted furniture doesn’t add additional stress to your move.
Of course, if you’re looking for help moving furniture please feel free to contact us and we’d be happy to help as it’s one of our most popular service offerings.